Street Fighter 6 Has AI-Powered Control Type For Beginners

Street Fighter 6 has a new control scheme called Dynamic Control, and it works by letting players input random buttons and an AI deciding what attack is next, depending on spacing and the situation.

According to a Game Informer interview with Street Fighter 6 director Takayuki Nakayama, Dynamic Control doesn’t give over full control to the AI. Instead, they can still move and manually parry by using the d-pad. Dynamic Control, being so different from Modern and Classic, will only be available in local play.

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Now Playing: Street Fighter 6 Official Character Launch Reveal Trailer

Dynamic Control is a unique option inspired by “button-smashing”–but minus the negative connotations. “In a normal fighting game, when they [mash buttons], they just do a lot of whiffs,” Nakayama says. “We wanted something important and something that makes a difference happen by randomly pressing buttons.”

The other two Control types are Classic and Modern. Classic Control is the standard six-button layout with an entirely customizable schema. Modern Control simplifies the execution of Special Attacks, like being able to trigger Hadoken with just one button input.

Street Fighter 6 will release in 2023 and an exact date is currently unknown. A SF6 character launch reveal trailer dropped in September and revealed the following roster: Luke, Jamie, Manon, Kimberly, Marisa, Lily, JP, Juri, Dee Jay, Cammy, Ryu, E. Honda, Blanka, Guile, Ken, Chun-Li, Zangief, and Dhalsim.

Street Fighter 6 Roster: All Characters Confirmed So FarSee More

About Jenny Zheng

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