Street Fighter 6 Officially Announced, Trailer Shows Feet

Capcom has officially announced Street Fighter 6, the next entry in its popular fighting series. A teaser trailer shows a very shredded-looking Ryu preparing to fight Luke, a DLC character from Street Fighter V. There is also a close-up of feet, in case that is of interest to you.

“HERE COMES A NEW STREET FIGHTER,” Capcom said in its all-caps announcement post. More news about the game is expected to come this summer. As of yet, Capcom has not announced platforms or a release date, nor do we know anything about what gameplay changes and improvements can be expected.

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Now Playing: Street Fighter 6 Announcement Teaser Trailer

Street Fighter V was released in February 2016, so it just recently marked its sixth anniversary. The game has sold more than 6 million copies, while presumably it’s made lots of money from DLC sales, too.

Capcom veteran and longtime Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono recently left the company, so Street Fighter 6 will be produced without his involvement in a big shake-up for the series.

In addition to Street Fighter 6, Capcom announced the Capcom Fighting Collection, which includes 10 classic fighting games. It launches June 24 for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC.

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About Eddie Makuch

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