Sucker Punch Has "No Plans" To Revisit Sly Cooper Or Infamous Series

To celebrate nearly 25 years of Sucker Punch Productions, the studio has released a blog post offering an update on some of its most beloved series. However, Sly Cooper and Infamous fans be warned–this one does not end too happily for us.

According to the blog post, Sucker Punch has “no plans to revisit Infamous or Sly Cooper right now, and no other studio is currently working on projects related to those franchises either.” The team says this is because as its games “continue to grow in scale and complexity, they require the full attention” of the studio. Which, you know, is a great reason that makes complete sense, but is still a bit of a bummer.

“These characters are very special and near and dear to our hearts,” Super Punch added. “So while we’d never say never to re-opening those doors down the road, for now there are no Infamous or Sly Cooper games in development.”

However, while there were no further updates on the Sly Cooper series (apologies to my fellow Sly stans), the studio did offer a bit of consolation to Infamous players. In the coming weeks, Sucker Punch will be performing maintenance on the Infamous 2 UGC servers to “keep them up and running a bit longer,” though how long “a bit longer” might be is not clear. The team also said they are currently working on getting Infamous Second Son’s Cole’s Legacy DLC on the PlayStation Store in all territories, meaning players who did not splurge for the collector’s edition of the game will finally get a chance to play it.

The team finished off the blog post with a thank you to their fans, writing, “your love and appreciation are what fuel us to keep making new games and new worlds, and we look forward to continuing to bring new and exciting ideas to life for many years to come.” Sucker Punch says it is “not yet ready to talk about whatever might be next,” but will share more later on down the road. Considering the studio did not mention Ghost of Tsushima among its list of inactive series, it seems likely its next project could see us returning to feudal Japan.

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About Jessica Cogswell

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