Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Gameplay Trailer Drops New Story Details And F-Bomb

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League developer Rocksteady has revealed a new look at its upcoming live-service action game, revealing more of the story which pits the infamous Task Force X against their heroic counterparts.

As seen in previous trailers, Suicide Squad takes place after the Justice League mounts an ill-fated attack on Braniac and wind up getting mind-controlled in the process, giving the alien super-genius a major tactical advantage in his assault on Metropolis.

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Now Playing: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – Suicide Squad Insider 01 – Story & Gameplay

How do you stop several walking weapons of mass destruction? By calling in a team of black-ops supervillains to take down the heroes and put their necks on the line if they want to earn an early parole. Also, someone in Metropolis really hates the squad, judging by the F-bomb that’s thrown at them.

The first episode of Suicide Squad Insider shows off an early portion of the game, as Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn, King Shark, and Deadshot find themselves inside of Metropolis. After raiding the Hall of Justice for hardware that’ll help them explore the city, the squad has its first encounter with two Justice Leaguers–Flash and Green Lantern–and they quickly discover that they’ll need some powerful weapons to take down the heroes. Fortunately, the Penguin has set up shop in Metropolis and has an arsenal of anti-metahuman hardware.

Rocksteady also showed off more of the gameplay and how each Suicide Squad member can leverage their unique skills to wipe out Braniac’s drones of infected Metropolis citizens. Each member is highly mobile, and they also have an ultimate finishing move that can one-shot KO any enemy it’s used on. Each character has an “iconic” attack that can be used to break enemy shields and juggle them, setting them up to take guaranteed critical hit damage from all weapons for a short duration.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has had several delays since it was first announced, and it was originally meant to launch in May. In April, Rocksteady announced that the game had been delayed by several months to February 2, 2024.

Very little has been seen of the game in the years that it has been in development, with the last big gameplay showcase being an extended gameplay demo from the February 2023 State of Play broadcast for PlayStation.

This was where the game’s live-service elements were shown off in more detail, and while that video received negative attention, Warner Bros. sees a lucrative opportunity to double down on those online elements.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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