The latest update for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now live, and along with Sora from Kingdom Hearts the Version 13.0 patch brings a few big balance adjustments for the existing roster.
The only negative adjustment in this patch comes at the previous addition Kazuya’s expense. The Tekken warrior can no longer hop onto an opponent after his Side Special, removing an infinite combo chain in the process.
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Little Mac seems to have benefitted the most from the 13.0 patch, increasing the attack power of his Down Special and the launch distance of multiple attacks. Dr. Mario also sees improvements, specifically in his aerial attacks and Side and Down Specials.
13 characters in total were affected by the patch, with some receiving as many as six separate adjustments. The full patch notes are below.
Sora is the final playable character to be added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, as confirmed by series director Masahiro Sakurai during Sora’s reveal livestream on October 5. It has not been determined if the 13.0 patch will be the final balance patch for the game as of this writing.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Version 13.0 Patch Notes
All Fighters
Made it so opponents that fall down in place due to Kazuya’s side special cannot be stepped on when jumping.
Neutral Attack 2 Reduced vulnerability.Back Air Attack Reduced vulnerability.Reduced vulnerability when landing.Downward Throw Shortened the launch distance.Reduced vulnerability.
Dr. Mario
Neutral Air Attack Extended launch distance for the high-damage window.Up Air Attack Increased attack power and maintained launch distance.Down Air Attack Increased attack speed.Side Special Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.Down Special Increased the speed that super armor activates when using the move on the ground.
Neutral Attack 1 Reduced vulnerability.Flurry Attack Increased power.Up Smash Attack Extended launch distance.Down Smash Attack Extended launch distance.Down Air Attack Increased the high-damage range.
Dash Attack Extended the duration of the high-damage part of the attack.Increased the high-damage range.Side Tilt Attack Extended launch distance of the second attack.Down Tilt Attack Increased attack speed.
Rosalina & Luma
Down Smash Attack Luma will appear in front of Rosalina when using the move and turning around.Extended launch distance for Luma’s attack.Side Special Luma will follow you when using the move in the air.
Little Mac
Up Tilt Attack Extended the duration of an opponent’s animation when they are struck by this attack.Side Smash Attack Increased power against shields when using the move with down input.Neutral Special Extended launch distance.Reduced vulnerability when using the move on the ground.Increased speed so it will be faster to use the move.Made so the second button press can be input in advance.Up Special Extended launch distance of the last attack.Down Special Increased the amount that attack power will increase.
Side Special Shortened the time between the slamming/dragging animations and when another jump can be input.
King K. Rool
Up Tilt Attack Increased power.Extended launch distance.Side Smash Attack Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.Increased the range at the beginning of the move.Forward Air Attack Reduced vulnerability.Up Throw Extended launch distance.
Down Tilt Attack Reduced vulnerability.Side Smash Attack Extended the duration of the high-damage part of the attack.Down Smash Attack Extended launch distance.Increased attack range.Forward Throw Extended launch distance.
Down Smash Attack Increased power.Extended launch distance.Up Air Attack Increased attack power and maintained launch distance.Up Special Increased attack power and maintained launch distance of the high-damage window while descending.Increased attack power and maintained launch distance of the high-damage window for the explosion.
Final Smash Shortened the downtime after finishing the Final Smash.
Final Smash Shortened the downtime after finishing the Final Smash.