Take-Two Acknowledges Red Dead Online Community's Frustration

Red Dead Online’s community has long campaigned for more content, spreading the hashtag #SaveRedDeadOnline in hopes of getting the dev’s attention. It appears their requests have finally been heard, or at least, have been acknowledged by the publisher Take-Two Interactive.

According to a statement given to IGN, CEO Strauss Zelnick stated that Take-Two plans to support the online servers long-term. Zelnick, however, made sure to point out that Rockstar Games will ultimately need to be the one to add more content to Red Dead Online.

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“Rockstar Games talks about the updates that are coming, and we’re working on an awful lot at Rockstar Games,” Zelnick told IGN. “I’ve heard the frustration, it’s flattering that they want more content, and more will be said by Rockstar in due time.”

No new content has been promised at this time, so we’ll have to wait to see what Rockstar has planned for Red Dead Online.

Rockstar’s other online game, GTA Online, has been doing well. Rockstar still regularly updates GTA Online with new events and bonuses and recently rolled out a new optional paid subscription service. According to an earnings call, Take-Two is satisfied by the number of players who’ve signed up for a GTA+ membership.

GTA V in general is still making Rockstar a lot of money and recently passed 165 million copies sold. Red Dead Redemption II too has reached impressive numbers and recently passed 44 million sales.

Red Dead 2 Easter Eggs And Strangest EncountersSee More

About Jenny Zheng

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