During Gamescom 2021’s Opening Night Live, Bandai Namco has announced a brand new entry in the Tales of series called Tales of Luminaria for iOS and Android.
There wasn’t much shown but the announcement trailer did show us the brand new cast of characters, including a red-haired protagonist, a man in a blue and purple scarf, and a girl in pink with pigtails. Additionally, there also looks to be a young woman with a bow and arrow, another man with a spear, and lastly a menacing looking man with white hair.
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Now Playing: Tales of Luminaria Trailer | Gamescom ONL 2021
There are three other characters shown off too, and they all wield swords. Small snippets of gameplay were scattered throughout the trailer, and they look to be the classic real-time action battles that the series is known for.
No release date was given for Tales of Luminaria, but the end of the trailer says that it is “Coming Soon.”