Telltale Games Has Acquired Erica Developer Flavourworks

The Expanse developer Telltale has officially acquired Flavourworks, a mobile-first that specializes in producing technology for cinematic interactive stories. According to Telltale CEO Jamie Ottilie, this acquisition is part of its strategy to work with studios and technologies–either through partnership or acquisition–that align with its vision to develop cinematic and episodic video games.

“Fans today want to interact with their favorite IPs more deeply, and interactive narratives are a really immersive way to do that,” Ottilie said in a press statement. “At the same time, people want to access their games from wherever they are, regardless of device or platform. Flavourworks’ technology and interactive video expertise will enable us to efficiently create story-based games and reach more people through streaming and new platforms. We’re excited about what it could mean for our portfolio of games.”

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Now Playing: The Expanse: A Telltale Series Devs On Its Exciting New Episodic Series

Flavourworks is best known for releasing the full-motion video adventure Erica in 2019 on PS4, and is also the inventor behind TouchVideo, a technology that allows for more seamless interaction on recorded videos. “The Flavourworks’ team, technology, and creative expertise is a perfect fit for Telltale,” said Sir Ian Livingstone (CBE) of Hiro Capital, the company that backed both studios. “Following Telltale’s successful launch of The Expanse, with its strong reviews and excellent player feedback, I look forward to seeing what gameplay innovations a collaboration with Flavourworks will bring in building best-in-class narrative games.”

Telltale Games–which was reborn in 2018 after the original studio closed its doors–released the first episode of The Expanse: A Telltale Series in July. Available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC, the game is set prior to the events of the original TV series. This new incarnation of Telltale is also working on The Wolf Among Us 2, which is preparing to launch in 2024.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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