The fourth episode of The Expanse: A Telltale Series is now available to play. Entitled Impossible Objects, the latest episode sees lead character Camina Drummer (voiced by her actress from The Expanse television show, Cara Gee) take on a daunting solo mission after the explosive, mutinous ending of the previous episode.
Regardless of what options players chose in Episode 3, Episode 4 kicks off with Drummer on her own, struggling to make sense of the previous episode’s events and desperately trying to survive. Players will once again face choices that can end in catastrophe or death (though the latter only applies to Drummer’s companions, as Drummer’s plot-armor means she cannot be killed).
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Now Playing: The Expanse: A Telltale Series – Episode 4: Lady Paramount Trailer
As Drummer fights to survive, players will grapple with moral conundrums and one vital question: Does Drummer simply want peace, or is she out for revenge? The answer to that question is entirely up to the player, but be warned–unlike previous Telltale games, nearly every single choice in Telltale’s new sci-fi adventure will have consequences that play out both within Episode 4 itself, and later on in Episode 5. Some of these consequences are the result of a single major decision, while other outcomes are based on a series of decisions.
As the penultimate episode of the game’s first season, Impossible Objects contains quite a few heart-pounding moments and ends on a cliffhanger that is likely to leave players on the edge of their seats during the two-week wait for the final episode’s release. The fifth and final episode of The Expanse: A Telltale Series will debut on September 21, though players who preordered the game will gain access to the episode 24 hours early on September 20.
But players who are still craving more Expanse content will be pleased to learn that a DLC episode focused on Chrisjen Avasarala (also voiced by her actress from the show, Shohreh Aghdashloo) is on the way. The episode, titled Archangel, focuses on a day that changed Avasarala’s life forever, and will give players a chance to experience an event from the television show that was referenced, but never shown. Archangel is set to release sometime this fall, though Telltale has yet to announce exactly when the DLC episode will debut.
The Expanse: A Telltale Series is available now for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
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