Tetris Forever 14-Game Collection Also Includes Brand-New Tetris Time Warp

During the August 2024 Nintendo Partner Direct earlier this year, Digital Eclipse announced Tetris Forever, the next interactive documentary in its Gold Master Series. Today, the developer has revealed the full slate of games that will appear in the compilation, with over a dozen versions of Tetris–plus brand-new way to play–represented within.

14 versions of Alexey Pajitnov’s iconic puzzle game–ranging from the original 1984 Electronika 60 version to multiple NES and SNES offerings–will be part of Tetris Forever at launch. The full list, along with their original release year and console, is as follows:

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Now Playing: Tetris Forever – Official Gameplay Trailer

Tetris, 1984, Electronika 60Tetris (48K Version), 1988, Apple IITetris, 1988, NESHatris, 1990, NESTetris 2 + Bombliss, 1990, NESHatris, 1992, NESHatris, 1991, Game BoySuper Bombliss, 1995, Game BoySuper Bombliss DX, 1998, Game BoySuper Tetris 2 + Bombliss, 1992, SNESTetris Battle Gaiden, 1993, SNESSuper Tetris 2 + Bombliss Genteiban, 1993, SNESSuper Tetris 3, 1994, SNESSuper Bombliss, 1995, SNES

The compilation will also introduce Tetris Time Warp, a brand-new way to experience Tetris through the years. Players will “warp” through different eras of the game in real time, with the graphics, sounds, and mechanics of the game changing with each warp.

Tetris Forever marks the third entry in Digital Eclipse’s Gold Master Series of interactive documentaries, which not only serves as compilations for older games like Tetris, but also include interviews, concept documents, and more for each game. The first Gold Master Series entry was last year’s The Making Of Karateka. The second, Llamasoft: The Jeff Winter Story, launched earlier this year.

Tetris Forever is slated to launch later this year for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

About Jason Fanelli

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