The Batman Coming To Blu-ray On May 24, Special Features Revealed

The Batman is headed to HBO Max on April 18, but fans of the dark knight detective and digital extras will need to wait until May for the release of the film on Blu-ray disc.

The 4K Blu-ray release date for The Batman has been set for May 24 according to Warner Bros., and that package will feature a substantial amount of extra content. Fans can expect to see multiple behind-the-scenes featurettes detailing the development of the film, deleted scenes, and how several characters were reimagined for the film.

Strangely, there’s no director’s commentary from Matt Reeves for the film but the deleted scenes will feature his analysis. For the DVD release release of The Batman, the only extra included is a single short documentary.

The Batman Blu-ray special features

Vengeance In The MakingVengeance Meets JusticeThe Batman: GenesisBecoming CatwomanLooking for VengeanceAnatomy of The Car ChaseAnatomy of The WingsuitA Transformation: The PenguinThe BatmobileUnpacking The IconsDeleted Scenes with Director’s Commentary

The Batman DVD special feature

Unpacking The Icons

While a sequel to The Batman hasn’t been announced yet, the film has earned over $700 million at the box office since it was released and an ARG-style website seems to be dropping some pretty major hints.

Nicolas Cage is down to play Egghead and two spin-off shows are already in development. The GCPD show has “evolved” into an Arkham Asylum-focused story reportedly, while another proposed project will see Colin Farrell’s Penguin work his way up to the top of Gotham City’s underworld.

The Batman: All The Clues And Easter Eggs That Point To Batman 2See More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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