Warner Bros. Pictures has announced that Matt Reeves’ new The Batman movie has a runtime of 167 minutes–that’s two hours and 47 minutes–without credits. Variety was the first to report the film’s length. The movie is due to arrive on March 4.
That runtime means The Batman is also set to be one of the longest comic-book movies ever. It won’t exceed but is now in good company with Zack Snyder’s Justice League (242 minutes) and Avengers: Endgame (181 minutes). The length, while considerable, also isn’t exactly a shock. Well in advance of its March release date, Warner Bros. already announced that last fall it was looking at two spin-off series for HBO Max. One will center on the Penguin, as portrayed by Colin Farell. Another will focus on the Gotham City Police Department. In other words, we had to know the movie’s scope and story was massive to fuel all that before hitting theaters.
As Reeves is kicking into higher gear on the runway to release, he also said in a recent interview that The Batman’s Bruce Wayne is inspired by Kurt Cobain. Reeves told Empire, “Rather than make Bruce Wayne the playboy version we’ve seen before, there’s another version who had gone through a great tragedy and become a recluse. So I started making this connection to Gus Van Sant’s Last Days, and the idea of this fictionalized version of Kurt Cobain being in this kind of decaying manor.”
Former dark knights Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton will reprise their roles in The Flash movie. Affleck previously mentioned that he “finally figured out Batman” when shooting his scenes for The Flash, as compared to the negative experience he had while working on Justice League.
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