The Best Boats To Buy In GTA Online

There are several classes of vehicles in GTA Online, all of which are quite well-known to any veteran of the franchise. However, there is one certain class of vehicle that tends to get overlooked and undervalued in GTA Online. That class is the boats, which are extremely useful and unique in their own right compared to cars, jets, etc. While boats don’t serve as many purposes as those aforementioned vehicles, they can still be a solid class to either collect or stock up on so you’re ready for any occasion.

In this guide, we’ll be going over what we believe to be the best boats to buy in GTA Online. This list will not include yachts or the Kosatka submarine, however, as we feel those are in a class of their own. Instead, we’ll be focusing on actual boats, which range from military-grade to racing to luxury.

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Best Boats in GTA Online

While some players might think the fastest boats in GTA Online equals the best, that’s not entirely true. Though it does apply to certain boats, there are some that aren’t fast at all but might be more worth your money than a boat that can blaze across the Pacific Ocean.

Shitzu Longfin

The Longfin kicks this list off, and for great reasons. Not only does the Longfin have the top boat speed of 122 miles per hour, but it also features outstanding handling, perhaps better than any other boat in GTA Online. Though the handling does come down a bit thanks to the large body of the Longfin, players can still fly around sharp turns with ease while still maintaining their speed. Performance aside, the Longfin has a sleek and slender look that screams luxury. What also screams luxury is its price tag, which is $2,125,000. This is by no means the most expensive boat in the game but it does require players to open their wallets more so than other options.

Lampadati Toro

The Lampadati Toro is yet another luxury boat that comes pre-equipped with a decent speedometer and a terrific aesthetic. The Toro tops out at around 50 miles per hour, which isn’t nearly as fast as the top boats in GTA Online. However, the Toro has high acceleration, meaning players will get faster over time, allowing them to catch up to another boat in a race or speed away from police. Its handling is a bit lackluster and will still spend $1,750,000 to acquire it. However, the Toro is a solid investment that’s a ton of fun to drive.

Pegassi Speeder

While the Pegassi Speeder doesn’t have the top-rated boat speed in GTA Online, coming in at 68 miles per hour, or superior handling and acceleration, it does come with a feature other boats don’t. That feature is the ability to be stored on the Galaxy Super Yacht, which comes in handy when you’re planning a heist or waiting on your yacht for other reasons. The Speeder also doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, only coming in at $325,000. While it’s not the best boat in GTA Online, having the ability to be stored on the Galaxy Super Yacht and featuring above-average performance makes it a great purchase.

Nagasaki Weaponized Dinghy

Who doesn’t love a dinghy with a machine gun? The Nagasaki Weaponized Dinghy is an extremely popular boat in GTA Online, mostly due to its machine gun and overall performance. It has a top speed of 71.50 miles per hour, making it faster than plenty of standard boats. However, it cannot be used in standard races, so players might have to use the regular Nagasaki Dinghy for those needs. The difference between the two is the standard Dinghy has no weapons but can be raced. The price for the weaponized version is $1,850,000, which is actually not a bad deal for what you’re getting in return. Comparatively, the price for the non-weaponized version is only $166,250.

If you want an even better weaponized boat, you can shell out for the Kurts 31 Patrol Boat, which costs nearly $3 million. The Patrol Boat has better overall performance than the Dinghy but does cost over 50% more.

Speedophile Seashark

Rounding out our list is the best Jetski in GTA Online. While not technically a boat, since there are so few high-performance Jetskis in the game, we decided to include the Seashark. It has two variants, the standard one and the Lifeguard one. The only difference between the two is their paint jobs. Both have a top speed of 67 miles per hour, keeping them competitive with top-rated boats on the open water. As one would expect, the Jetskis also have terrific handling.

As a cherry on top, the Seashark can also be stored on the Galaxy Super Yacht and doesn’t cost much, coming in at only $17,000. If anything, the Seashark is a worthwhile purchase for the simple pleasure of riding a Jetski on the Pacific Ocean in GTA Online.

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About Joey Carr

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