The Best Businesses In GTA Online

Money is what makes the world go around in GTA Online. Whether players are earning their own cash in-game or using real-life money to then acquire in-game currency, money is the focal point for most of the gameplay elements in Los Santos. Players need it in order to purchase luxury vehicles, property, and most everything else they interact with in GTA Online. While players can always buy Shark Cards for extra cash, the more efficient way to bring in cash is to start a business.

Businesses have become a staple in GTA Online since they were introduced post-launch. Instead of players repeating missions and heists, businesses give players a chance to make money in diverse ways. Businesses allow players to make their own money far more efficiently than traditional methods used prior by players in Los Santos. Players can choose to invest in certain businesses and sometimes see that investment returned within a matter of days. However, players need to be smart with their money and choose the right businesses to run. There are some enterprises that are more likely to go under than others, which plays obviously want to stay away from. Alternatively, there are also businesses that can turn a profit extremely quickly. We’ve outlined some of those top-performing businesses in GTA Online below.

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Bunker Running

One of the most welcome additions to GTA Online has been the Bunker. This is a form of business that allows players to craft and sell weapons, as well as store vehicles, and serve as a hub of operations. There are several locations players can choose for their Bunker, which we’ve gone over in a previous guide. For players looking to get a jump start on earning extra cash, running a Bunker is one of the best ways to do so.

Players will mainly focus on delivery missions when running a Bunker, which can take players all over the map. Depending on the size of the order, players will need more vehicles than just they can handle, so it’s wise to have a friend help out. If players manage to find a friend to help with the delivery, then a full slate of supplies can sell for up to $750,000. Of course, this also requires players to fully upgrade their Bunker so they can have access to additional supplies and features. This is simply investing further in the business, though. With enough effort, Bunker running can yield players millions of dollars in a short amount of time.

Special Cargo Warehouses

Purchasing a Special Cargo Warehouse is perhaps the best way to make money as a solo player in GTA Online. Not only can it be done with the push of a button from a CEO’s office, but it can be managed extremely easily. The main goal for players is to secure shipments of cargo to store in a large warehouse. Players can either source one crate at a time or up the ante and source three crates per shipment. Then, once players have the maximum amount of nine crates, they can sell them for a total of $126,000. This is only the maximum for solo players, though. With a large crew, players can store over 100 crates of cargo and then sell all of them for over $2 million.

Whether you’re going at it solo or with a friend group, running a Special Cargo Warehouse can be extremely profitable right off of the bat.

Vehicle Warehouse

The business of importing and exporting vehicles through a warehouse is one of the best business models in all of GTA Online. Not only does this give a chance for players to make solid money selling cars, but they get to source and keep luxury vehicles and supercars. Of course, this will diminish profit slightly, but players will be making so much extra cash it’s doubtful many will notice.

To start, players can stock up on as many low and mid-range vehicles as possible. Once they have enough in each of their warehouses, they won’t be given any more missions for them. This means the only imports players will receive are vehicles of much higher quality. Speaking of the missions, players can go on a variety of them in order to source their vehicles. There are some annoying tasks, like escaping police, but most of them don’t take much time. Once players have completed the mission, they can either choose to store or sell off the vehicle they just sourced.

All players need to begin this business is a Vehicle Warehouse. Once they have this piece of property, they can start completing missions right from their laptop. When players want to sell a vehicle, they can talk directly to the dealer and make around $75,000 per transaction, as long as they’re only selling top-end vehicles.

The Arcade

This is one of the most vital businesses that players need to own if they want to make stacks of cash every night. The Arcade was added with the Diamond Casino Heist DLC and essentially acts as a base of operations for players looking to rob the casino. With players owning the arcade, they’re able to plan out their heist on the Diamond Casino & Resort. The heist is an enjoyable one, offering different ways of dealing with security and robbing the vault inside of the resort.

While that alone makes the Arcade worth it, players can also earn passive income from being the owner of a thriving business. Of course, this will be pennies compared to robbing the resort but earning more income is always a bonus. Finally, one of the more underrated aspects of owning the Arcade is access to the Master Control Terminal. This allows players to manage their other properties, such as the next entry on this list.

Own the Nightclub

A staple of GTA Online businesses is the Nightclub. Like the Arcade, the Nightclub can act as a base of operations for other properties and businesses players have in Los Santos. While the Nightclub isn’t the most profitable business in GTA Online, it does allow players to earn passive income. On top of that, players can hire workers to secure products that players can then sell for a huge payday.

During the times players aren’t looking to make large amounts of money, they can actually run the Nightclub. There’s an opportunity to customize just about everything about the club, from the lights to the drinks to the DJ. The Nightclub is a terrific business to have some fun while also making money on the side.

Cocaine Lockup

Finally, we have one of the most tried and true businesses in GTA Online, Cocaine Lockup. This business takes very little effort to run and produces a solid amount of passive income. Players can start by purchasing a cheap Clubhouse and then buy a cocaine lockup to start inside. Then, players need to purchase staff to make the cocaine and equipment to produce it. From there, the player’s job is essentially complete. Every now and then players will need to buy more supplies for the lockup but this is a relatively inexpensive cost.

The Cocaine Lockup isn’t a huge money-making business but it allows players to make some passive income on the side while running their more hands-on enterprises.

About Joey Carr

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