The Best Left 4 Dead-Like Game Just Added PvP Versus Mode

The Anacrusis, one of many Left 4 Dead-inspired video games on the market today–but arguably the best of them as it comes from former Left For Dead (L4D) developers who clearly know how to make such a game–has added Versus mode in a new and free update now available on Xbox and PC.

Just like in L4D, Versus mode in The Anacrusis lets players take control of the monsters typically reserved for PvE modes. In the case of Stray Bombay’s sci-fi co-op shooter, that means playing as aliens such as the Gooper, the Spawner, the Flasher, the Grabber, and the Brute.

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Teams will take turns trying to stop each other from completing a level by using methods that could be described as “sanctioned griefing.” To the L4D-acquainted, the game’s UI will be quite familiar, with enemy human characters silhouetted through walls for the alien team to stalk as they plan coordinated attacks on the Star Trek-ish crew.

Xbox and PC players have access to full cross-play and platform parity, so this 35th update has rolled out simultaneously on both platforms. While the game is still in Early Access, and even the Versus mode is admittedly a work-in-progress, Stray Bombay said it wants to get it in players’ hands and continue to improve it with player feedback. Players wishing to submit feedback can do so using the game’s Trello project.

The Anacrusis launched in early 2022 on Xbox and PC and finds itself in a packed subgenre with games like Back 4 Blood, Darktide, and many more, each vying to become the heir to Left 4 Dead’s co-op horde shooter throne. Built by a small team including Left 4 Dead’s lead writer, Chet Faliszek, the game today enjoys “Mostly Positive” reviews on Steam and, in my personal opinion, nails the most important aspect of a L4D-like: proper pacing.

It’s also part of the Steam Summer Sale, which you ought not miss.

About Mark Delaney

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