The Best Perks In Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile

Warzone Mobile is live with a worldwide launch that brings back Call of Duty’s popular Verdansk and Rebirth Island battle royale maps. This works much like the PC and console version of the battle royale, offering you the option to pick custom weapons and perks. Not all perk packages are created equal though, so we’ll recommend the best ones to use in your next match of Warzone Mobile.

Perk packages explained

Warzone Mobile brings back the perk setup originally introduced with Warzone 2, when perks were grouped in preset packages. This means you don’t have the larger arsenal of perks currently found in the PC and console versions of Warzone, and you can’t pick and choose the ones you want for a custom package.

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Best perk packages

Perk packages are going to be subjective, and if you’re playing in trios or quads, you might want to run a different package than your teammates. Two of the best options to choose from are the Warden and Deadeye perk packages.

Warden is probably the most well-rounded package, as it includes Double Time, Strong Arm, Fast Hands, and Quick Fix. This lets you have quicker reload and weapon swap, faster health regen times, as well as increased movement speed.

I would recommend in larger squad sizes to have at least one person with the Deadeye package for the benefit of High Alert, as it gives you (and your whole team, assuming they are communicating) the intel of knowing when an enemy player is watching you. High Alert is also paired with Scavenger for more ammo, Strong Arm for throwing equipment further, and Fast Hands for faster reloading and weapon swapping.

Additionally, a third option could be Scout. This will mostly benefit snipers looking for better aim stability and stealth. This package also has Scavenger for more ammo, Strong Arm for throwing equipment further, but the main benefits include the Focus perk for reduced flinch while ADS and the extended Hold Breath duration, as well as the Ghost perk for becoming undetectable from UAVs, portable radars, and heartbeat sensors.

This should help you pick the best perk packages for your playstyle and team. We also have a guide for the best settings for touchscreen and controller, and we walk you through how to pair a controller for Warzone Mobile.

About S.E. Doster

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