The Elder Scrolls 6 Could Include Deeper Systems, Social Elements

With Bethesda Game Studios currently working on Starfield, The Elder Scrolls VI is currently in pre-production and likely many years away. But fans are eager for new details on the game regardless, and creative director Todd Howard has offered some hints as to what features the next installment in the legendary RPG franchise may include.

In a new interview with IGN, Howard offered details on what he would change about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which may be a good indication of what fans can expect from The Elder Scrolls VI.

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Now Playing: The Elder Scrolls 6 Reveal Teaser Trailer | Bethesda E3 2018

“There are a number of parts of [Skyrim] where we don’t go deep enough, where it’s a veneer in terms of its interactivity.[…] When we think about games and what we would want to do going forward, it’s okay… whatever that system is… how deep can we make it?” Howard said. “The other thing is how AI and NPCs interact with you. That’s something I think we still have a long way to go with.”

Howard also spoke to IGN on the studio’s commitment to making single-player games, but he left room open for experimentation when it comes to adding social elements.

“There are various ways you can talk about adding social elements to a game that I don’t think take away from [the solo experience],” Howard said. “We’ve dabbled with some of that and not put it out, or things on paper, things we’d like to try in our games. So I don’t want to rule that out.”

As for when fans will be able to get their hands on The Elder Scrolls VI, Howard knows Bethesda’s games take a long time to come to fruition.

“Everything takes longer than we’d like as well, but we want to make sure we get it right,” Howard said. “Hopefully Elder Scrolls 6–you don’t want to say that it’s worth that kind of wait–but it does stand up to the series as it has been in a really big, impactful way when it comes out.”

Skyrim: Anniversary Edition releases November 11 and includes new content like fishing. Bethesda Game Studios’ next game, Starfield, is slated to release November 11, 2022 and will be an Xbox console exclusive.

About Cameron Koch

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