The Elder Scrolls Online: Ascending Tide DLC Arrives Today On PC

The Elder Scrolls Online’s latest yearlong adventure, Legacy of the Bretons, starts today for players on PC, Mac, and Stadia with the release of the new Ascending Tide DLC.

Ascending Tide includes two new PvE dungeons, Shipright’s Regret and The Coral Aerie, and will set the stage for stories and adventures to come later this year with the game’s High Isle chapter. The new DLC will arrive for console players on March 29.

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Shipright’s Regret will see players journey to a haunted shipyard that is home to the wreckage of the legendary All Flags Navy. Coral Aerie, on the other hand, will task players with rescuing returning ESO character Jakarn from the mysterious Ascendant Order, the primary antagonists of the Legacy of the Bretons yearlong adventure.

Ascending Tide is included at no additional charge for all ESO Plus subscribers, but can also be purchased standalone through the in-game Crown Store. Like previous ESO DLC and expansions, players do not need to be a certain level to experience the new content, and can instead jump right in.

The new DLC paves the way for future Legacy of the Bretons content, including the new High Isle expansion on June 6, which will include a never-before-seen region of Tamriel and serve as a deep-dive on Breton lore and culture. ESO creative director Rich Lambert has described High Isle as a return to the storytelling roots of the Elder Scrolls franchise with a focus on the politics of Breton society. High Isle is said to include over 30 hours of new quest-related content and will also introduce a strategic card game, Tales of Tribute, with its own single player quest line into the world of Tamriel.

About Cameron Koch

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