The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Is Getting A Board Game

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is on just about everything now. Well, almost everything. Modiphius Entertainment sees one more platform it can be on: cardboard. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The Board Game is in the works, and it appears the company will be seeking crowdfunding to make it possible.

In a listing on the crowdfunding site Gamefound, Modiphius described The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The Board Game as an “epic cooperative board game” that will be playable by one to four players. It’s honestly baffling that it took this long for a Skyrim board game to be made at all. Presumably, the game will involve one of the quests we saw in the video game, as well as dragons. We could do without any “arrow in the knee” jokes.

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Naturally, it will take place on Skyrim itself, and it will be more of an adventure-style game than the miniatures-based The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms game that Modiphius already announced. The company did hint, however, that you may be able to use your Call To Arms figures for this game in some fashion.

Modiphius didn’t share much else about the project, but it did say the game has already been completely designed and that it will be shown off in Tabletop Simulator during the campaign so those interested can see how it works. It’ll also be heading to distribution after the campaign ends, so you will be able to buy it if you don’t back it.

You can look at Modiphius’ game list to get a sense of the projects the company has worked on in the past. It also created games based on Fallout, Vampire: The Masquerade, Dishonored, and even Kung Fu Panda. Additionally, it handles the English version of Mutant, which the video game Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is based on. Not all of its projects are traditional board games, with Dishonored being a tabletop role-playing game.

About Gabe Gurwin

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