The Final Major Marvel's Avengers Update Goes Live Today

Marvel’s Avengers has received its last major patch today in the form of update 2.8. Developer Crystal Dynamics previously revealed this and today, it took to Twitter to share the patch notes.

The company confirmed that official support for Marvel’s Avengers will end on September 30, 2023, just three years after its initial release.

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As for what to expect from Update 2.8, the biggest change is the way the Marketplace functions. Now, the Marketplace has been unlocked, meaning almost all Outfits, Emotes, Takedowns, and Nameplates are available to all players. Items earned through campaign progression and via the Cosmetic Vendor must still be purchased as normal.

Shipments and Hero Challenge Cards have been removed entirely with Update 2.8 and anything unlocked through these methods is now automatically given to players as Marketplace items.

Those who earn a trophy or achievement before April 1 will be granted the Founder’s Gift, which contains Iron Man’s Variable Threat Response Battle Suit. This is Crystal Dynamics’ way of thanking the players for checking out Marvel’s Avengers.

Update 2.8 has also converted all Credits into in-game resources spread out across Units, Fragments, Upgrade Modules, Polychoron, and DNA Keys. Alongside the major changes listed above, Update 2.8 will also include a slew of bug fixes, combat improvements, and other gameplay changes.

20 Avengers Easter Eggs And Things You Missed In The MCU's First Team-Up MovieSee More

About Joseph Yaden

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