The Future Of Assassin's Creed To Be Revealed In September Event

Ubisoft will reveal “the future of Assassin’s Creed” in September, the publisher has announced. As part of its 15th anniversary announcements today, the French company strongly suggested that some kind of Assassin’s Creed announcement is on tap for then.

“The Assassin’s Creed teams hope the community will enjoy these celebrations and invite all players to join them this September as they unveil the future of Assassin’s Creed during a very special event,” Ubisoft said.

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That’s all the publisher had to say, but one possibility is that we’ll hear more about the ambitious Assassin’s Creed Infinity (codename) project during the event, or potentially the rumored smaller-scale Assassin’s Creed title that focuses on Valhalla character Basim.

In terms of what we do know is coming, Ubisoft’s 15th anniversary celebrations for Assassin’s Creed includes new activities in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, a free trial for Origins, and weekly celebrations through a dedicated site.

As for the “very special event,” Ubisoft did not say if this will be an Assassin’s Creed-focused event or a showcase of Assassin’s Creed and Ubisoft’s other upcoming games. Ubisoft is expected to hold a big showcase later this year with around 20 game announcements, including brand-new reveals and updates for existing titles. Whether or not this is the September, event, however, is unknown.

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The original Assassin’s Creed launched in November 2007 and has since spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs, as well as a feature film starring Michael Fassbender and Oscar-winners Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons.

About Eddie Makuch

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