The GTA Trilogy Is Being Fixed By Modders

Modders across the internet are taking it upon themselves to fix the myriad of issues plaguing Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition. Since the collection of games–which includes Grand Theft Auto 3, San Andreas, and Vice City–launched, players have pointed out that there are a number of things wrong that leave all the included entries far from “definitive.”

The Trilogy’s issues range from the innocuous, like typos, to the truly strange and nightmarish, including CJ’s fingers growing to horrifying lengths or visibility-ruining rain. The nut on the Tuff Nut Donuts shop was even rounded out, leaving it as a mere washer.

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Thankfully, modders have been stepping up to fix some of these issues. On NexusMods, users can find “Better Rain” by Instanity666, which lives up to its name by turning the torrential storms in each game into a much more pleasant rain shower. Another modder has even fixed the nut for that donut shop, giving it back its edges.

But outside of fixing visual issues, some modders have also gotten busy restoring the classic feel of The Trilogy’s games. “Make Los Santos Great Again,” a mod from OussaMax, emulates San Andreas’ PS2 visual style by adding warmer and more vibrant colors to the city, as well as heavier fog. Of course, these mods can only be used by anyone playing the collection on PC.

While modders are hard at work improving the games included in the GTA Trilogy, Rockstar has its own batch of fixes as well. The company recently stated that it is “working to improve and update overall performance” for the collection of classic games.

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About Otto Kratky

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