The Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Season 2 Gets Eight Episodes And An All-Female Directing Team

We now know how many episodes to expect from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2, as well as who’s on board for directing.

As reported by Deadline, the second season of The Rings of Power, which started filming in the UK in October, will have a total of eight episodes, just like the first season. On top of the series length, we also know that Charlotte Brändström will be taking over as the lead director from Wayne Che Wip, who directed four episodes in the first season.

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Brändström herself directed two episodes in the first season, the sixth episode “Udûn” and the seventh episode “The Eye.” With her arrival as lead director comes two new directors to the show, Sanaa Hamri and Louise Hooper, making for an all-female directing crew, a contrast to Brändström being the only woman that directed on the first season of Rings of Power. According to Deadline’s report, Hamri and Hooper will direct two episodes each in the second season.

Deadline also noted that both Hamri and Brändström have overall deals with Amazon Studios on other projects.

Executive producer Lindsey Weber shared what fans can expect from the second season of Rings of Power shortly after filming commenced, describing it as “grittier, more intense, maybe a little scarier” now that Sauron is out in the open. Where this next season goes is anyone’s guess, but it likely won’t wrap up everything in a neat bow, as showrunner JD Payne explained earlier this year that a total of five seasons have been mapped out for the show.

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