The Matrix Awakens Is Being Delisted On Xbox And PS5 After Today

Today is the final day you can claim the free The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience “game,” with the title being delisted after July 8. Those who have downloaded it by that date still have access and will be able to re-download it later if they erase it at any point.

Epic Games announced the news on the demo’s official site, writing, “Not explored The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience yet? There’s still time! The UE5 tech demo will only be available in stores until July 9. Download it before that date and you’ll still be able to access the demo going forward – or re-download it if you’ve deleted it from your console.”

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Now Playing: The Matrix Awakens Reveal Trailer | Game Awards 2021

Why Epic Games has decided to remove the tech demo from the digital storefronts isn’t clear, but as with many issues in the gaming world it could potentially be a licensing reason.

The tech demo was revealed and released during The Game Awards 2021, which was designed to show off the power of the engine and the “future of interactive storytelling.” Matrix co-creator Lana Wachowski carried out writing on the experience, with Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss starring in it.

In the demo, you play as a human resistance fighter taking part in a high-speed chase while being pursued by Agents. Following this sequence, you can then explore the environments, being able to switch between first and third-person perspectives and change effects like lighting.

GameSpot was able to chat with some of the team at Epic about the project last year, going into detail about some of the ideas behind the demo.

The 34 Absolute Dumbest Things About The Matrix SequelsSee More

About Oisin Kuhnke

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