The new, tiered rework of Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscription service is rolling out now in Asian regions, with a game list now available for the region. The lists are far more extensive than the partial game lists Sony has already released, including a mix of PS4 and PS5 games, as well as the “Classics Catalog” from past PlayStation generations.
The PlayStation website, when set to regions in Asia, is now showing a full list of PlayStation Plus games available at launch, with the caveat that “availability of games vary by country/region.” Sony also promises that more titles will be added soon, especially within the classics category.
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The new PlayStation Plus is expected to roll out in Japan next, followed by the USA and Europe through June, so we can expect an updated catalog to be added for those regions soon. Check out our guide to the revamped subscription service for more details on the upcoming rollout.
The Asian rollout has also revealed more details on some of the classic PlayStation games that are being added to the PlayStation store for individual purchase, including Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, Worms World Party, Worms Armageddon, and Ridge Racer 2.
According to the games’ store pages, as picked up in a ResetEra thread, the games will be released with enhancements including up-rendering, rewind, and quick save. Players will also be able to choose from a variety of scaling methods and aspect ratios, and the games will come packaged with video filters including a CRT-like filter.
Here’s the full list of games that have been revealed for the Asia region:
Game Catalog
PS4 and PS5 games for Deluxe and Extra subscribers
ABZUAdr1ftAge of Wonders: PlanetfallALIENATIONAO Tennis 2AshenAssassin’s Creed ValhallaAssetto Corsa CompetizioneAVICII InvectorBalan WonderworldBatman: Arkham KnightBattle Chasers: NightwarBee SimulatorBlasphemousBloodborneBloodstained: Ritual of the NightBomber CrewBoundBound by FlameBrothers: A Tale of Two SonsCaladrius BlazeCall of CthulhuChild of LightChocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!Chronos: Before the AshesCities: SkylinesConcrete Genie: Digital Deluxe EditionControl: Ultimate EditionDamascus Gear: Operation Tokyo HD EditionDarksiders GenesisDarksiders IIIDays GoneDeath end re;Quest2DEATH STRANDINGDEATH STRANDING: DIRECTOR’S CUTDeliver Us the MoonDEMON’S SOULSDesperados IIIDestruction AllstarsDetroit: Become HumanDreamfall ChaptersDynasty Warriors 8 EmpiresEagle FlightElexEmbr (PS4)EntwinedEverybody’s GolfFade to SilenceFar Cry 3 Blood Dragon: Classic EditionFar Cry 3: Classic EditionFar Cry 4FIGHTING EX LAYER – Standard VersionFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy VIII RemasteredFinal Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterFinal Fantasy XII The Zodiac AgeFinal Fantasy XV Royal EditionFlatout 4: Total InsanityFor HonorFor the KingForeclosedFriday the 13th: The GameGabbuchiGet EvenGHOST OF TSUSHIMA: DIRECTOR’S CUTGhostrunner (PS4)Ghostrunner (PS5)GOD OF WARGolf with Your FriendsGraveyard KeeperGravity Rush 2GreedfallGRIP: Combat RacingGUNVOLT CHRONICLES LUMINOUS AVENGER IXHARVEST MOON LIGHT OF HOPE SPECIAL EDITIONHello NeighborHollow Knight: Voidheart EditionHomefront: The RevolutionHorizon Zero Dawn Complete EditionHotline Miami 2: Wrong NumberHotshot RacingHow to Survive 2How to Survive: Storm Warning EditionHueHuman Fall FlatI am DeadinFAMOUS First LightinFAMOUS Second SonInjustice 2Journey to the Savage PlanetKILLZONE SHADOW FALLKillzone: Shadow Fall InterceptKingdom Come: DeliveranceKingdom Two CrownsKNACKKonaLast Day of JuneLast StopLawn Mowing SimulatorLeft AliveLegendary FishingLEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamLittleBigPlanet 3Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Definitive EditionPayday 2: Crimewave EditionPGA Tour 2K21Pillars of Eternity: Complete EditionPixel PiracyPortal KnightsPrison ArchitectProject CARS 2Red Dead Redemption 2RelictaRESOGUNRETURNALRIDE 4Risk Urban AssaultSaints Row: The Third RemasteredSecret NeighborShadow of the BeastShadow of the ColossusShadow Warrior 3Shiness: The Lightning KingdomSniper Elite 4SOMASouth Park: The Fractured but WholeSouth Park: The Stick of TruthSpace Crew: Legendary EditionSpace Hulk: Deathwing – Enhanced EditionSpace Hulk: TacticsSpace JunkiesStar Ocean First Departure RStar Trek: Bridge CrewStarlink: Battle for AtlasSteepSteins;Gate EliteStellaris: Console EditionSurviving MarsTearaway UnfoldedTennis World Tour 2TerrariaThe Artful EscapeThe Book of Unwritten Tales 2The Council – The Complete SeasonThe CrewThe Crew 2The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel UnlimitedThe Fisherman – Fishing PlanetTHE LAST GUARDIANThe LEGO Movie VideogameThe MessengerThe MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of MemoriesThe SurgeThe Surge 2The TechnomancerThis is the PoliceThis is the Police 2This War of Mine: The Little OnesTom Clancy’s The DivisionTotally Reliable Delivery ServiceTour de France 2021TowerFall AscensionTrackmania TurboTransferenceTrials FusionTrials of the Blood DragonTrials RisingTT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 2Uncharted 4: A Thief’s EndUncharted: The Lost LegacyUntil DawnValiant Hearts: The Great WarVampyrVirginiaWarhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – MartyrWarhammer: Chaosbane – Slayer Edition (PS5)Warhammer: Chaosbane (PS4)Watch DogsWerewolf: The Apocalypse – EarthbloodWerewolves WithinWindboundWorld of Final FantasyWRC 10 FIA World Rally ChampionshipWreckfestXCOM 2Y School Heroes: Bustlin’ School lifeYO-KAI WATCH 4++Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANAZOMBIZombie Army 4: Dead War11-11 Memories Retold2Dark
Game Trials
Time-limited trials for Deluxe subscribers
Horizon Forbidden WestTiny Tina’s WonderlandsCyberpunk 2077WWE 2K22UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves CollectionHot Wheels UnleashedLEGO® City UndercoverbiomutantFarming Simulator 22MotoGP™22The Cruel King and the Great HeroELEX 2
Classics Catalog
Classic games for Deluxe subscribers
Ape EscapeBatman: Return to Arkham – Arkham AsylumBatman: Return to Arkham – Arkham CityBEYOND: Two SoulsBioShock 2 RemasteredBioshock Infinite: The Complete EditionBioShock RemasteredBorderlands: The Handsome CollectionCrysis RemasteredDarksiders Warmastered EditionDarksiders II Deathinitive EditionDead Nation: Apocalypse EditionDeadlight: Director´s CutDisney·PIXAR Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the RescueEchochromeGod of War III RemasteredGravity Rush RemasteredHeavy RainHot Shots GolfHotline MiamiI.Q: Intelligent QubeJak & Daxter: The Precursor LegacyJak IIJak 3Jak X: Combat RacingJumping Flash!Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-ReckoningLEGO Harry Potter CollectionLocoRoco RemasteredLocoRoco 2 RemasteredMafia: Definitive EditionMafia II: Definitive EditionMetro: Last Light ReduxMetro 2033 ReduxMr. DrillerOddworld: Abe’s OddyseeOutcast – Second ContactPatapon RemasteredPATAPON 2 REMASTEREDRainbow MoonResident EvilSyphon FilterTekken 2The Last of Us RemasteredThe Last of Us: Left BehindUncharted: The Nathan Drake CollectionWild ArmsWipEout: Omega CollectionWorms ArmageddonWorms World Party
The PlayStation Plus Collection
PS4 games for Deluxe, Extra, and Essential subscribers
BloodborneDays GoneDetroit: Become HumanGod of WarMonster Hunter: WorldInfamous Second SonRatchet and ClankThe Last GuardianThe Last of Us RemasteredUntil DawnUncharted 4: A Thief’s EndBatman: Arkham KnightBattlefield 1Resident Evil 7 biohazardCall of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles EditionCrash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyFinal Fantasy XV Royal Edition