The Outer Worlds Gets A New Mystery Themed DLC, Murder On Eridanos

After a quick tease showcasing new content coming to The Outer Worlds, developer Obsidian Entertainment has revealed the next story DLC, Murder on Eridanos, set for release on March 17. As the final DLC for The Outer Worlds, this endgame-focused expansion centers around a classic murder-mystery on the planet Eridanos, with your character having to solve a complex and strange ‘whodunit’ to uncover who assassinated the spokesperson for a new brand of space vodka.

Set for release on March 17, with the Switch version coming sometime later, the Murder on Eridanos DLC features new quests, gear, and a weird questline that seems totally in line with the bizarre plot of this space RPG. What makes Eridanos a stranger setting than the usual areas is that the planet’s key locations are spread across a set of floating islands, each with its own points of interest, quests to find, and gear to add to your expanding inventory. Ahead of the announcement, GameSpot spent some time with the new DLC and uncovered the strange happenings on Eridanos.

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Now Playing: 23 Minutes From The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos DLC

The main story of the Murder on Eridanos expansion focuses on the death of the celebrity Halycon Helen, who was set to be the spokesperson for Rizzo’s Spectrum Brown Vodka. After her suspicious death, you’re tasked with finding her killer, which will inevitably uncover a sprawling plot involving weird, behavior-altering parasites, Eridanos’ local Tossball team, and the happenings within the Grand Colonial luxury hotel. This new DLC will also introduce new gadgets, including the Discrepancy Amplifier that allows you to uncover hidden clues and secrets. Along with these gadgets, you can find new weapons like the Utter-Buddy, a science melee weapon that is essentially a souped-up cattle prod. There’s also new armor and cosmetics to find, including the Ranger Mascot’s Noggin’, which comes from Eridanos’ Tossball team’s mascot.

As mentioned previously, the final DLC will be a late-game-focused affair. Along with the new quests and gear, the expansion will also increase the level cap by 3, so if you own the previous DLC–Peril on Gorgon–then the Outer Worlds’ final level cap will be level 36. For those who want to jump into the Murder on Eridanos expansion once it launches, your character will need to be level 30 and have completed the Radio Free Monarch quest in the main story.

Releasing on March 17 and costing $15 USD, this new expansion will mark the end of content coming to The Outer Worlds. For more on the game, be sure to check out our gameplay video that showcases the opening sections of the DLC, along with a look at one of the side-quests.

About Alessandro Fillari

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