One of the most-anticipated upcoming DC shows for Max is The Penguin, which stars Colin Farrell reprising his role from The Batman. The show is confirmed for release in 2024, and now HBO boss Casey Bloys has revealed a more specific release window for the series.
The Penguin will arrive in September, Bloys told Variety. Bloys didn’t have much to say about the show itself, but said “it’s fantastic.”
This is the Penguin’s first standalone solo series. In addition to Farrell as the main character, the series stars Cristin Milioti as Carmine’s daughter Sofia Falcone; Michael Zegen as Carmine’s son Alberto Falcone; and Clancy Brown as rival mobster Salvatore Maroni. He’s the one who famously attacks Harvey Dent with acid, turning him into Two-Face.
Max’s Penguin series will consist of eight episodes and be written and helmed by Lauren LeFranc with The Batman director Matt Reeves serving as an executive producer.
Farrell has said The Penguin is “really dark and really heavy.” The Oscar-nominated actor also said the show is “incredibly violent” and “really twisted.”
In addition to The Penguin, Reeves is coming back to make The Batman II, which brings back Robert Pattinson as the Caped Crusader. Unfortunately, though, the movie was recently delayed to 2026.