The PlayStation VR 2 Sold Better At Launch Than Original PSVR

The PlayStation VR 2 has had something of a quiet launch, with the headset only available directly through Sony until it began to be stocked by major retailers in May. According to sales numbers released by Sony for an investor update, this hasn’t stopped the PSVR 2 from outselling the original PSVR in its first 6 weeks of launch.

As picked up on Resetera from a Sony business update, the company revealed the PSVR 2 sold 600,000 units in its first 6 weeks of launch, beating the PSVR’s launch sales by 8%. This is despite a bit of a quiet launch, with Sony initially selling the headset through its own storefront, and only opening up to retailers like Amazon and Best Buy over two months after launch.

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Now Playing: PlayStation VR 2 Review

An early report claimed that the PSVR 2 was selling poorly, but the new data shows that the headset ended up selling roughly two times what was estimated by Bloomberg analysts. It’s unclear whether Sony ended up shipping the 2 million units it aimed to sell in the PSVR’s launch quarter, however.

The PSVR 2 was well reviewed on launch, with reviewers praising technology that showed significant refinements and improvements over the original model. VR is still very much a niche offering within the gaming world, however, and like other headsets the PSVR 2 still suffers from a relative lack of software options. Sony’s presentation teased a number of games coming soon for the PSVR 2, including the updated version of Beat Saber, Resident Evil 4, PSVR 2 exclusive Synapse, and more.

About Hayley Williams

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