The Suicide Squad's R-Rating Includes "Brief Graphic Nudity"

The MPAA has officially assigned a rating to James Gunn’s upcoming comic book movie, The Suicide Squad, giving it an R rating. That’s no surprise, really, but the MPAA’s description also offers up some idea of what to expect in terms of the violence and sexual references to come.

As detailed by Collider, the MPAA explained that it gave the movie that Restricted rating for its “strong violence and gore, language throughout, some sexual references, drug use, and brief graphic nudity.”

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For comparison, David Ayer’s 2016 movie Suicide Squad was assigned a PG-13 rating. The R rating for The Suicide Squad seems to suggest Gunn will up the ante in a variety of ways. Perhaps Warner Bros. felt emboldened by the fact that its R-rated Joker grossed more than $1 billion at the box office.

Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy movies have all received PG-13 ratings, but Gunn is no stranger to R ratings. Some of his previous movies, including Slither and Super, carried R ratings.

The Suicide Squad opens in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6. The movie features a lot of characters from the comics, and Gunn recently spoke about how he was given every character he asked for.

Warner Bros. has a lot of belief in The Suicide Squad, it seems, as the company is planning to expand the universe further with a spinoff show for John Cena’s Peacemaker.

For more, make sure to check out our breakdown of that first trailer to catch every single detail. Don’t get too attached, however, as your favorite character could very well die–even if it’s Harley herself.

About Eddie Makuch

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