The Witcher 3 Geralt Bathtub Meme Is Now In Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is bringing a handful of Witcher-themed cosmetics to the game as part of the Season of The Wish, and Bungie has just revealed that one of those items will be an emote that lets players re-enact The Witcher 3’s infamous bathtub scene.

The scene, which appears in the opening of The Witcher 3, includes a gratuitous shot of protagonist Geralt soaking in a bathtub and has been referenced everywhere from the live-action show to Nendoroid toys and retro game demakes. Now, Destiny 2 players can kick back in Geralt’s tub whenever they want to–if they’re willing to buy an expensive emote for it, that is.

As picked up by Kotaku, the Barrel Bath emote is now available in the Eververse store for 1,200 Silver, the equivalent of just over $10. Annoyingly, that means players who don’t have any Silver already in their account will have to purchase the $15 bundle to get the emote, ending up with 400 Silver left over.

“Soggy armor is a small price to pay for true relaxation,” the emote description reads. As shown in the promotional video above, the emote lets your Guardian kick up their feet and relax in a virtual version of Geralt’s famous barrel bathtub.

The Witcher crossover event also includes Witcher-themed armor for each class, a Witcher-themed vehicle, ship, and Ghost shell, and the Flood of Anger finisher, which can all be purchased with Destiny 2’s premium currency.

About Hayley Williams

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