The Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty PC Port Has Some Problems

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty‘s PC port is seemingly suffering from some performance issues, according to its Steam reviews.

Team Ninja’s latest game officially launched today across PC and consoles, a dark fantasy action RPG similar to the developer’s previous titles like Nioh. However, the game isn’t being received too well so far on PC (via Polygon) with players pointing out various problems from performance, constant crashing, and bugs.

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Now Playing: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Video Review

Wo Long currently has an overall “mostly negative” review label according to the game’s Steam page, and out of 3,339 total reviews, over 2,850 are negative. The main complaint focuses on technical issues, with one popular review reading, “A good game buried beneath the biggest catastrophe of a PC port that I have ever seen. The game runs poorly for how it looks, but the biggest issue are the controls.”

The player continues to talk about how there are also problems with the controls, specifically camera and mouse sensitivity. “If you don’t move your mouse fast enough, the camera will not react, regardless of your mouse sensitivity… This game is completely unplayable on mouse and keyboard.”

Another player’s review also mentions that screen panning with a mouse and keyboard is “far from pleasant” and is experiencing a bug that teleports them back and forth from one spot repeatedly.

Team Ninja and publisher Koei Tecmo have yet to respond to the feedback, but a recent post to the developer’s blog has provided some insight on an issue that keeps causing the screen to go black when the opening cutscene plays, as well as some display problems involving flickering.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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