There Are More Nicole Kidman Promos Coming to An AMC Near You

AMC has revealed that there will be a second phase for those iconic Nicole Kidman bumpers before features begin. Three fresh 30-second commercials will play as the lights dim and we go somewhere we’ve never been before starting March 1.

AMC CEO Adam Aron praised the campaign as part of a movement for audiences to return to the movies. It “took on like a cult-like nature, and became part of the American zeitgeist,” Aron added while on a call after quarterly earnings (via Deadline). The ad was spoofed on SNL and Child’s Play Chucky used it for a commercial. It even became a hit, easy-to-assemble Halloween costume.

“For the first time in four years, starting in a couple of days, we are putting up a new preshow on the screen [and] we’re moving into phase two of the Nicole Kidman campaign. For the last three years, we’ve got a 60-second commercial, the same one, that’s appeared over and over, before every movie starts.”

Aron didn’t elaborate on the type of vignettes audiences would be getting, but the now-four commercials will be in rotation across AMC theaters at random.

“You won’t get like three in a row when you go to watch one movie,” he said. “But as you watch movies going forward, you will see three different Nicole spots that will kind of randomly appear in our theaters prior to the show.”

About Lan Pitts

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