This Replacement Font Makes Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters Look A Whole Lot Better

While old-school Final Fantasy fans were keen to get their hands on the recently released Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters, the ugly font that was used for the games weas widely criticized. Now, one fan has offered up a fix, releasing a classic pixel font that can be easily swapped into the game for anyone playing on PC.

Released by Twitter user Patera Quetzal, who also had the most succinct reaction when the fonts were initially revealed, the new font is inspired by Earthbound. Beyond just swapping the nicer font into the game, Quetzal made sure all the special glyphs and numbers would align properly.

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Quetzal also later released a version of the font that would work for a broader number of languages, based on the free Silver font by Poppy Works. The second font file will work for languages including English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

The original font that shipped with the game was criticized for being too small, narrow, and difficult to read, as well as being in a style that looked too modern to match the rest of the game’s graphics.

The first three Final Fantasy games have now been released in remastered form for PC and mobile, while Final Fantasy IV, V and VI will be released sometime in 2021. There is currently no news on whether the remasters will eventually be released on consoles, though Square has said it’s possible if enough people request it.

About Hayley Williams

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