Steam’s newly announced portable PC gaming device, the Steam Deck, has already gotten gamers talking. Whether you’re excited for the gaming portable or not, the Steam Deck already has one unlikely fan–Tim Sweeney, the CEO of Steam’s major competitor Epic Games.
As picked up by PC Gamer, Sweeney tweeted about Steam’s new device, calling it an “amazing move.”
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Of course, one of the main reasons it has a fan in the Epic CEO, whose Epic Games Store competes directly with Steam, is that the Steam Deck is potentially as platform-neutral as a regular PC. “You can also install and use PC software, of course,” the Steam Deck’s official website encourages users. “Browse the web, watch streaming video, do your normal productivity stuff, install some other game stores, whatever.”
It’s no surprise Sweeney is a fan of the Steam Deck’s approach to software, considering Epic Games is currently embroiled in lawsuits against both Apple and Google, targeting the companies’ monopolistic control over software installed on their mobile platforms. Steam’s open-platform approach may even end up being used as an example to strengthen Epic’s case in further trials.
Preorders for the Steam Deck open on Friday July 16 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern on Steam’s website. The portable devices are due to start shipping in December 2021. For more, check out our comparison of Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch.