Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Includes Co-Op Customization Options

Borderlands games have always been about shooting baddies and getting loot with friends, and the upcoming spinoff to the franchise, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, is keeping that integral part of the formula. When the game launches on March 25, players will be able to hop into games with each other whether they’re sitting on the same couch or miles away, and can seemingly customize the experience as much as they want.

Anyone who plays co-op in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will have a decent bit of control over their session. Players will have two options that change how loot drops, and another two that change how enemy difficulty scales. While it’s not clear what those options are, Borderlands 3 previously let hosts set instance-based loot drops, meaning each player got their own set of loot instead of everyone having to split drops. As for enemy options, it’s possible that players will be able to set enemies to scale with each player individually, meaning anyone will be able to play co-op together regardless of their gear.

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Now Playing: Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands | Dark and Powerful Classes

At launch, anyone playing Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will be able to use cross-play through Gearbox’s SHiFT Matchmaking. That applies to anyone playing the game on Xbox Series consoles, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, or PC. This is a solid change of pace from Borderlands 3, which launched without cross-play compatibility, though it was patched into the game in 2021 save for its PlayStation version.

Of course, people can also get together and play through Gearbox’s latest Borderlands adventure, though which platform they use will come into account. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will have split-screen support at launch, giving four players a corner of a screen each on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. However, anyone playing on a PS4 or Xbox One will only be able to have two people play at the same time, assumedly because of hardware limitations.

About Otto Kratky

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