Today's Wordle Answer (#296) – April 13, 2022

Another day, another Wordle. It’s April 13 and here we are again, trying to crack a word puzzle. Is this how you thought you’d spend your days in 2022? Because it certainly isn’t how I thought it’d be. Let’s get down to business though. You know why I’m here and I know why you’re here: You’re looking for today’s Wordle answer and, would you look at that, I just so happen to have it here for you.

Before I go ahead and give you the answer, have you tried today’s puzzle yourselves? I got it on my last shot, but you all will almost definitely have more luck than me. Mostly because you’ll be using this incredibly handy guide, which you’re incredibly welcome for. A super successful round of Wordle starts with the perfect opening word, which I did not have this time around. Some people have been lucky enough to literally get it on their first try, but otherwise you want to pick something that’ll give you some indication of stuff like vowel placements. I always try crossing off each vowel before honing in on the final word. We’ve got plenty of great starting words and tips you can check out ahead of today’s answer, and maybe even a little sage advice from Wu Tang Clan if you’re lucky.

Today’s Wordle answer – April 13

You can scroll to the end if you just want today’s answer, but why not use a few hints first?

Hint 1: Today’s answer can be found in the name of an upgrade material from the most influential video game series of the last decade, Dark Souls.Hint 2: When you’re overpowered, you might hit an enemy and take away a sizable amount of their health bar. What’s another word for that amount?

Still not sure, what today’s word is? Alright, well if you’ve stuck it out this long, I guess you just want the answer straight up. The answer for April 13’s Wordle is…chunk. Yep, as in a titanite chunk or taking a chunk of a boss’ health! Come back tomorrow as we’ll have another round of Wordle hints–and the all-important answer–waiting for you.

About Moises Taveras

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