Welcome back to another wonderful week of Wordle! Today’s May 2 and our answer is a simple, if mischievous, one. Wordle wasn’t always so intent on tricking you with such flexible answers, but ever since the buyout, there has been an uptick in just that. Suspicious, isn’t it?
Have you tried today’s Wordle? Sometimes Wordle has some barn-burners like “knoll,” but I appreciate today’s answer for being a return to basics. It’s a word anyone can get, mostly because we all use this word all the time, especially when we’re talking about qualities of games that we like or dislike. However, this one took me to my very last guess because way too many letters fit in the final slot. It was a miracle I pulled it off, so remember to play smarter, not necessarily aggressively if you want to get it in fewer guesses.
If you’d like some concrete tips on how to solve Wordle on your own, we’ve got a great guide filled with tips and starting words that should start you on your journey.
Today’s Wordle Answer – May 2, 2022
If you’re looking for today’s answer, you can scroll right to the bottom where it will always be. However, I’m gonna say that you can get this one without even my hints, which I’ve had to actually beef up to not give it away too easily. Yeah, it’s another one of those gimmes, so without further ado, your hints.
Hint 1: Today’s word is an element of The Last of Us Part II that is probably just as hotly contested today as it was at that game’s release.
Hint 2: Today’s answer is in the title of one of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s more successful titles following his departure from Square Enix.
Have you gotten the word yet? Worry not, friends, because I’ve got your answer right here. Today’s Wordle is…story. When it came out, all people could do about The Last of Us Part II’s story is argue endlessly over it, and I’m sure those arguments are still going on in some corner of the internet right now. And if you guessed The Last Story, well you’re a genius or looked it up and realized very few five-letter words exist in Sakaguchi’s Mistwalker titles. That’s all we’ve got for you today, but come back tomorrow for even more Wordle hints and answers!