Today's Wordle Answer (#319) – May 4, 2022

Come one, come all for another delightful round of Wordle. Today is May 4 and the answer for today is a very straightforward one. I like today’s word, not just because I got most of it on my first guess, but because it’s also one I use all of the time.

Have you tried today’s Wordle? It’s pretty manageable, boasting some pretty predictable vowels and vowel placement that should all but give the word away. As usual, I’d say go for the easy word rather than the trickier one. I thought Wordle might play me and cost myself a guess that would’ve gotten me the win in two guesses. One day, I’ll have a two-guess game again…

If you’re looking for more tips, we’ve got a handy guide with a long list of great starting words you can take advantage of to secure that win and streak!

Today’s Wordle Answer – May 4, 2022

If you’re looking for the answer, as usual you can scroll down to the last paragraph where it’s handily provided. However, I’ve got fun hints for you all to use that’ll all but guarantee you get your answer. Ready? Let’s go.

Hint 1: In RPGs, you often have to do small tasks in order to grind XP and levels ahead of a particularly difficult boss. In the fiction of the game’s world, you wouldn’t call it a grind though. Instead, you might say that your character has to do today’s Wordle answer.

Hint 2: Today’s Wordle answer is the most infamous recipient of a suplex in video game history.

Have you gotten today’s word yet? If not, don’t worry I’ve got your answer right here. Today’s Wordle is…train. If you were your RPG character, you’d definitely say that you need to train and get ready for the big fight. Speaking of trains, I still can’t believe you can suplex one in Final Fantasy 6. I really ought to get to that game. That’s all we’ve got for you today, but be sure to check back tomorrow for an all new round of Wordle hints!

About Moises Taveras

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