Today's Wordle Answer (#321) – May 6, 2022

Come one, come all for yet another Wordle answer to wrap up the workweek. The answer to the May 6 Wordle is a common word but can be tricky thanks to some unusual letter placements. If you’re struggling to place the letters you have, then you’ve come to the right place.

Once any Wordle player sees what the answer is on May 6 they’ll be kicking themselves that they didn’t think of it sooner. At least, that’s what I thought after five guesses. As mentioned above, the Wordle is a word that every player will have heard before but they might not think to place the letters accordingly. For any player finding it difficult to place these letters, we’ll be listing some hints to help players get the answer themselves. Although, if the hints aren’t enough, we’ll also go ahead and say the answer so players can live to fight another day.

Today’s Wordle Answer – May 6, 2022

We’ll start off with some tips that can get players thinking in the right direction when it comes to guessing the word. These tips will require you to think a little outside of the box, so remember that when trying to figure out how they can relate to the Wordle answer.

Hint 1: Players in games such as Grand Theft Auto and Need for Speed fear seeing this when driving in a car or committing a crime Hint 2: Eagle Scouts and Girl Scouts can usually be seen with dozens of these adorned on their uniforms

Those hints should be worthwhile for most players. However, if they weren’t sufficient enough for you, then here’s the final answer… “badge.” It’s a frustrating word, especially if you didn’t think to use the “dg” letter combination towards the end of the word. The letters themselves couldn’t be simpler but the way they’re arranged could lead to some users losing their streak on May 6. If you don’t want that to happen, then keep checking back next week for more Wordle answers.

About Joey Carr

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