Today's Wordle Answer (#327) – May 12, 2022

It’s time for another Wordle, and this one is not kind to any player. The answer for the May 12 Wordle is a word that rarely gets used by most people, which can spell disaster for some players. This particular word has tricky vowel usage and is not in the present tense.

I began with my normal starting word, which was chosen from our best list of starting words, and proceeded to find that there are almost no vowels in this word. My next word ruled out yet another vowel, leaving me with one and three other letters, two of which were in the right place. The next guess was complete luck, which ended up netting me the answer. However, without some lucky guesses, it might have been difficult to think of this word at all.

If you don’t want to end up that way, you can take a look below for some hints regarding the Wordle on May 12 as well as the full answer.

Today’s Wordle Answer – May 12, 2022

First, we’ll offer a couple of hints for the answer so players can get their train of thought on the right track when they attempt their guesses. Be warned, though, that these hints require some out-of-the-box thinking.

Hint 1: Players might have done this to their controller when they’ve rage-quit in a multiplayer game, resulting in the controller leaving a dent in the wallHint 2: This word is the past tense of something that a cowboy may do with his guns

If those hints didn’t move the needle for you, don’t worry too much. This particular word is difficult to describe, especially with small hints. If you still need the answer, then fear not. The answer to the May 12 Wordle is… “slung.” It’s a strange word that has a couple of different meanings. However, it’s most commonly used as a casual word for throwing something around, such as a controller. Check back tomorrow for another edition of our Wordle answer guides.

About Joey Carr

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