Today's Wordle Answer (#328) – May 13, 2022

It’s the end of the workweek but that doesn’t stop the Wordle train from chugging along. The answer on May 13 is a fitting word for Friday, but some people might not even think to guess it. It’s certainly a word that many people have in their vocabulary but it’s not one that you might expect to be in the Wordle database.

I was able to get the answer in three guesses thanks to a fairly lucky first guess. I had three letters placed correctly within the first two guesses and there was really only one word I was left with. However, I never thought that this would be a word Wordle would use as an answer. I’m sure others will think the same when they attempt their guesses. Although, parents might have some explaining if their kids are Wordle players, as this is a word that most people don’t hear until they reach a certain age.

If you need some hints to make it through this Wordle, or just want the answer, then you’ve come to the right place.

Today’s Wordle Answer – May 13, 2022

We’ll kick things off with a couple of hints to make your guessing a little easier. These hints will simply put your mind in the right space when trying to insert guesses. Unfortunately, the tips might not be too helpful for people under a particular age. If you fall into that group, then you can keep reading for the full answer to the May 13 Wordle.

Hint 1: This word is used to describe a person that’s been indulging a little too much at the local watering hole (bar/pub).Hint 2: In GTA 5’s story mode, players can be described as this when they switch to Trevor after he’s had one too many.

Most people over the legal drinking age would have gathered enough information from those two hints to get the answer to today’s Wordle. However, if you’re still struggling, then you deserve the answer, which is… “tipsy.” It’s a common word that gets spoken every day but some Wordle players might have never even heard of it before. We’ll be taking a break from Wordle guides for the weekend but we’ll be back on Monday for the start of another week.

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About Joey Carr

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