Today's Wordle Answer (#376) – June 30, 2022

The last day of June yields quite the interesting Wordle answer. If you followed our guide on the best starting words to use in Wordle, then you might have had a large portion of the correct word within a couple of guesses. However, guessing anything beyond that can be quite difficult, especially if you’re the type of person to plug in random letters and hit Enter to see if they work (spoiler alert, that’s exactly what I did and it almost cost me).

As I spoiled above, I got the last four letters all correct on my second guess. After that, though, I couldn’t seem to figure out a solid guess so I just started typing in random letters in the first slot and hitting Enter to see if they were right. This got me down to my sixth and final guess when I finally thought of the only possible answer. The June 30 Wordle is quite tricky, so we’ve laid out some hints and even the final answer below to ensure that this answer doesn’t stop your streak in its tracks.

Today’s Wordle Answer – June 30, 2022

First things first, we’ll start off with a couple of hints that should put you closer to guessing the right answer. If the hints aren’t enough to push you over the hump, we’ve also given the full answer to the June 30 Wordle further down.

Hint 1: A popular Twitch streamer goes by this name. This streamer was an original member of the organization OpTic Gaming, where they mainly played Call of Duty, as well as a regular host on Machinima’s YouTube channel in its hay day. Hint 2: This word uses a double letter at the front and end.

For any non-gamers out there, that first hint likely wasn’t that helpful. However, knowing there is a double letter in the word should be quite useful for those who might have a large portion of the word spelled out. If neither of the hints did it for you, though, here’s the full answer… “hutch.” The double letter definitely got me this time around but if you’ve made it this far in the guide, then it didn’t prevent you from continuing your Wordle streak. Check back tomorrow for another Wordle guide before we close up shop for the week.

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About Joey Carr

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