Todd Howard Originally Pitched An Indiana Jones Game Back In 2009

Wolfenstein developer Machine Games is making a Indiana Jones game next, and Bethesda’s Todd Howard is producing the title. He said in a new interview with The Telegraph that he’s been trying to make an Indiana Jones game for a very long time.

In fact, Howard said he first pitched the idea of an Indiana Jones game to series creator George Lucas himself back in 2009. It didn’t work out back then, but Howard is now finally getting to help make the game, which is something he said he’s “super excited” about.

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Howard has Indiana Jones replicas in his home office, including the Ark of the Covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark. He’s a big fan.

Howard went on to say that Machine Games is a “good fit” for taking on Indiana Jones, based on its experience and expertise.

“I think the work Machine Games have done, they’re just phenomenal developers and storytellers. And when I started talking to them about it, it was a good fit. And we got to the opportunity to talk to Lucas and Disney about it and they were super excited,” he said.

“I really like Indiana Jones but never thought I’d have the opportunity to make a game. And you’ll hear about more of that in the future. But the team at Machine Games are the best team in the world to pull this game off and they’re doing a phenomenal job,” he added.

Given that Microsoft owns Machine Games through its purchase of ZeniMax, it’s assumed that the Indiana Jones title will be exclusive to Xbox and PC, and available to Game Pass subscribers whenever it’s released.

The Indiana Jones movie series is continuing, too, as Harrison Ford is set to play the character once again in a fifth movie that is currently filming.

In addition to the Indiana Jones game, which doesn’t have a release date yet, Machine Games is apparently working on a third game in its Wolfenstein series to follow The New Order and The New Colossus.

“Absolutely, we’re making a Wolfenstein III,” Bethesda’s Pete Hines said in 2018.

In other news, Howard recently discussed The Elder Scrolls VI, saying it’s in the “design” phase and that it will use Starfield’s game engine.

About Eddie Makuch

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