Update: This weekend’s Trials has come to an end. Here are the rewards you can earn from Trials of Osiris and the map you’ll play on for the weekend of December 10-14.
Trials of Osiris returns to Destiny 2 this weekend with the freelance option for players who want to go it alone. With Bungie’s 30th Anniversary celebration DLC coming next week, this is a good opportunity to dive in and grab yourself some sick new Trials of Osiris weapons to take into new activities. Here’s everything you can expect to win from the Trials of Osiris this week, as well as the map you’ll face.
Map — Convergence20 rounds won — Pinnacle Trials Engram7 matches won — Pinnacle Trials EngramReputation Rank 10 — Eye of Sol (Kinetic sniper rifle); after reputation reset, The Messenger (Kinetic pulse rifle)Reputation Rank 16 — Igneous Hammer (Solar hand cannon); after reputation reset, Sola’s Scar (Solar sword)Flawless run — The Messenger (Adept), Kinetic pulse rifle
Trials of Osiris, as always, will be available from Friday’s daily reset until the weekly reset at the same time the following Tuesday. During that time, you can also pay a visit to Xur to see what Exotics he’s selling. Make sure to pay a visit to Saint-14 in the Tower to pick up a Trials card, which will dictate certain bonuses (such as whether you get bonus rewards at certain milestones or if a loss will be forgiven).
This week’s Bungie blog post noted that it had deliberately kept Trials mostly unchanged over the last few weeks, other than offering the Freelance option available last weekend. That won’t be available this time around, but it will return in the future. A change is coming for this weekend, however, specifically targeting the Flawless pool, which had been enabled each Sunday this season.
Rather than simply lumping in Flawless players together, matchmaking will work differently right from the outset. Matchmaking will attempt to pair you–if possible–with other players who have both a similar number of wins on their current card and a similar number of overall wins for that specific weekend. This will prevent players who just barely manage to achieve a Flawless run from being matched with nothing but the very best, elite teams once the Flawless pool is enabled. Bungie warns that the tweak could lead to an increase in matchmaking times but says it will be monitoring the situation.
Going Flawless, for those who don’t know, means achieving seven consecutive wins without a loss in Trials of Osiris. Do that, and you earn yourself some high-quality rewards that can’t be attained in any other way. While the mode remains the highest-end activity for PvP players, this season has made it more welcoming to everyone by providing you with more rewards as you play, ensuring you get some gear just for taking part.
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