Trials Of Osiris Rewards This Week In Destiny 2 (March 17-21)

After being on hiatus for a few weeks, Destiny 2’s PvP activity Trials of Osiris makes its grand return this weekend. With Lightfall introducing the new Strand subclass, build-crafting changes, and new Exotics to the mix, it’s going to be interesting to see how the 3v3 matches have evolved now that players have new toys to use. You can also look up where Xur is to see which gear the arms dealer has to offer before you attempt to go flawless. Here’s a look at where you’ll play Trials of Osiris this weekend and what weapons you can earn.

Map: To be confirmed

Reputation Rank 4: Upgrade Module x 2Reputation Rank 7: Enhancement Prism x 3Reputation Rank 10: The Immortal (Strand submachine gun)Reputation Rank 13: Upgrade Module x 2Reputation Rank 16: Astral Horizon (Adept shotgun)Flawless Reward: To be confirmed

For this season of Trials, Bungie has decided to remove the Freelance node and enable Fireteam matchmaking. That means that even if you don’t have any friends to join you for some highly competitive PvP fun on the weekend, you’ll still be matched alongside two other players as you attempt to earn some of the best gear in the game.

Season 20’s loot pool includes The Immortal, a brand-new 750 RPM Strand Legendary-class submachine gun that Bungie says can roll with perks like Rangefinder and Killing Wind. Players can also potentially pick up Astral Horizon, an aggressive shotgun for your kinetic slot, and one which has the chance to roll with Slideshot, Surplus, Opening Shot, Shot Swap, and Elemental Capacitor perks.

Trials weapons carry the Alacrity Origin Trait, which gives you increased aim assist, reload speed, stability, and range on these weapons when you’re the last living member of a fireteam or running solo. You can also choose to swap to the Crucible Origin trait, One Quiet Moment, which greatly enhances your gun’s reload speed when you reload while out of combat.

The Trials reward system has also been changed this system and works the same way as other Tower vendors. Engrams you earn will stay with Saint-14 until you visit him and decode them, and there’s now an option to focus weapons and armor sets that are no longer in rotation for a certain number of engrams and resources. If you have any Trials engrams from previous seasons, you’ll need to visit Master Rahool to decrypt them.

Trials goes live from Friday’s daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET until the weekly reset at the same time the following Tuesday. Make sure to pay a visit to Saint-14 in the Tower to pick up a Trials card, which will dictate certain bonuses (such as whether you get bonus rewards at certain milestones or if a loss will be forgiven). Your ultimate goal in the Trials of Osiris is for you and the other two players in your fireteam to achieve a “Flawless” run, in which you win seven matches without losing any.

Go Flawless and you’ll earn a trip to the Lighthouse and receive some special rewards, including the Adept weapons. These have additional stat bonuses, making them among the most coveted items you can get your hands on. Your Trials Passage–the card you purchase from Saint-14 that grants you access to the mode and tracks your wins–does not track your losses, so you can keep playing and earning rewards even if you lose out on a Flawless run.

Bungie also adjusted Trials last year so that rewards could be earned based on the number of rounds won rather than matches, and added a reputation system similar to the Crucible and Gambit, making it easier to earn some of the Trials of Osiris’s unique loot.

Every Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic RevealedSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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