Trials Of Osiris Rewards This Week In Destiny 2 (Oct. 15-19)

Update: The Trials of Osiris for October 15 has ended. Here’s the map you’ll face and the rewards you can earn in the Trials of Osiris for October 22-26.

Trials of Osiris is live again in Destiny 2, offering players access to the game’s top-tier PvP activity. As is always the case, it’s here for a weekend full of battling it out for some quality weapons and armor, with each piece of gear also having a unique look that can’t be found anywhere else in the game. Here’s what’s up for grabs this weekend, and where you’ll be spending your time attempting a flawless run that earns you the best loot possible.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2 Players NEED To Play Trials of Osiris

Once again, Trials will run from 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on Friday and conclude on Tuesday’s weekly reset, with both rewards and the map being randomized. You can also see what gear Xur has for sale this weekend, in case you’d like to bring a fresh Exotic into Saint-14’s playground. You’ll be spending your time playing on Bannerfall and, if you manage to pull off a Flawless run, you’ll net the Adept version of The Messenger pulse rifle.

Map: Bannerfall20 rounds won — Pinnacle Trials Engram7 matches won — Pinnacle Trials EngramReputation Rank 10 — Eye of Sol (Kinetic sniper rifle); after reputation reset, The Messenger (Kinetic pulse rifle)Reputation Rank 16 — Igneous Hammer (Solar hand cannon); after reputation reset, Sola’s Scar (Solar sword)Flawless run — The Messenger (Kinetic pulse rifle)

If you’re new to Trials of Osiris, then you’ve missed out on one of Destiny 2’s best PvP modes. The overall goal is to achieve a “Flawless” run of seven straight victories, which will reward you with a trip to the Lighthouse on Mercury.

Inside of that location, you’ll receive gear with some of the best stats in the game, as well Adept-class weapons. The rules are simple enough to follow, as two fireteams of three players on each side play several rounds of elimination to see which team is the best.

If all that sounds daunting, worry not. After being out of action for several months, Trials was drastically reworked to be a more inviting experience for newcomers. The Trials Passage card that you purchase from Saint-14 now no longer tracks your losses, allowing for rewards to still be earned even if you fall short of a Flawless run. Rewards now come from the number of rounds won, and alongside a reputation system similar to the one found in Gambit and the Crucible, earning unique loot from Trials activities isn’t too difficult. The latest version of Trials also matches you up with any other Guardians who don’t have a fireteam, so you won’t be tackling the event on your lonesome.

You’ll have a choice of several different Passages from Saint-14, each with their own unique effect. Depending on your choice, you can receive some bonus rewards or give yourself a path to a Flawless run where you’re permitted to lose one game. Here are your options:

Passage of Ferocity — Your third match win grants a bonus winPassage of Mercy — Forgives one loss per runPassage of Wealth — Increased Trials Rank points from reaching 3, 5, and 7 match wins on a ticketPassage of Confidence [requires a Flawless run] — Grants bonus rewards from Flawless Chest

In between your time spent on Trials and checking in with Xur, you can check out the ongoing Festival of the Lost. We’ve got a guide to the new Haunted Sectors activity, how masks work, and how to get the new Jurassic Green pulse rifle.

About Chris Pereira

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