Two Apex Legends Players Banned For DDoS Attack On Xbox

A pair of top Apex Legends ranked players, or Apex Predators per the game’s tier system, have been banned by developer Respawn Entertainment for a DDoS attack on an Xbox server. They’ll not be able to play the game again, meaning they’re the ones getting a denial of service, if you think about it.

A couple of videos hit the Apex Legends subreddit that showed an in-progress game crash after an Apex Predator was knocked down. When the server reconnected, the knocked Apex Predator was revived and standing over the player responsible. The fourth and sixth ranked players in the match were then accused of colluding and performing the “distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attack that overloaded the Xbox servers.

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The usernames of the Apex Legends players have not been revealed, but the two have been banned, according to Respawn security analyst Conor “Hideouts” Ford.

It also seems DDoSing is rampant in Apex Legends on consoles. Some users report frequent attacks that result in timed penalties and a loss of reputation points due to server disconnects.

Respawn has responded by prepping a “console reckoning” for those who perform DDoS attacks in Apex Legends. Ford said on Twitter that cheaters “can’t hide any” of the DDoS attacks they participated in.

In other Apex Legends news, Respawn brought heat shields back with a nerf to fast-healing. Elsewhere, the studio has added an option that once again lets players more easily inspect their weapon mid-match.

About jeremy winslow

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