Two Point Campus Tips For Beginners

Two Point Campus is a rather laid-back experience, but like your students, it is possible to fail. Some careful planning and clever management skills can mean the difference between a lavish graduation and a series of lawsuits that label your post-secondary institution a scam. Surprisingly, there’s a lot of nuance to running a university, so let us help demystify the inner workings of a functional university. Here are some tips and tricks for Two Point Campus.

Start slow

After you’ve built a few campuses, you know what you’re going to need: lecture theatre, class facility, bathroom, shower room, dorms, library, and so on. Don’t get carried away.

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It’s tempting to plop down some new campus buildings and fill them with student facilities, but when you start out, you often don’t have the money to buy everything. If you decide to build a rocking student union, you’re going to find you don’t have the dosh for, well, anything. You need to be very selective about what you’re building to start–extremely selective.

Start with whatever your courses need. They’ll no doubt need a lecture theatre, but only build as many as you need. Yes, you’ll need more later, but you can work on that. Once your course conditions are satisfied, there are a few more essentials to put down. Start with the washrooms because no one can live without them. Build a couple of dorms, but remember, students share them, so be frugal. Plop down some vending machines and a couple of items for entertainment. Finally, you’ll need a library before the year is over. It doesn’t have to be built right away, but students will start flunking if they don’t have a place to study.

Your first-year students might be a bit miserable, but their suffering is necessary so you can start making money to make their successors slightly less miserable. The last thing you want is to be unable to even pay for the basics next semester.

Research and upgrade

Once you’ve started bringing in some extra money, you should consider upgrading your apparatus. While this should start with you filling out the facilities you didn’t build due to a lack of funds, you’ll get a lot of mileage out of upgrading the ones you have. Upgraded lecture theatres and classrooms will ensure that your students pass the year with ease. They can be pricy, but isn’t a good education priceless? No. It isn’t. There’s such a thing as tuition.

In order to upgrade, you first have to research the upgrades, which requires a research station. Once you have that room kitted out, you’ll need a professor with the research skill. Next, click on the research room and select what you want them to work on. Note that anything with a dollar or kudosh symbol on it will only dole out those currencies. Everything else can be used to upgrade your rooms.

Once the upgrade is researched, just click on what you want to be beefed up and select the upgrade option. You’ll also need a janitor with the upgrade skill.

Hire constantly

Starting out, the pick is going to be more chaff than wheat. Most staff members you get to choose from have exactly one skill point. Training them can be expensive and time-consuming, so it can be a little more prudent to keep one eye on the list of applicants for when someone a bit more deserving of oxygen shows up.

It’s best to check whenever your campus or classes level up. The higher the level of either, the better the applicants will be. Just remember to go back and fire the ones whose backs you built an empire on. If they wanted to keep their jobs, they should have been born with more skill points.

Students don’t need privacy

You want the best for your students, so it can be tempting to give them their own dorm room. After all, it can be stressful to live with someone who stays up all night, can’t find the shower room, or just breathes the wrong way.

The denizens of Two Point County are a different breed, however. They don’t need basic dignity like privacy. They aren’t going to appreciate a sanctuary to crawl back to after class, so giving them their own bed is a complete waste. There’s nothing wrong with cramming a bunch of them in the same room. I usually stick to rooms with three beds, but you can judge for yourself. When you click on one of them, it will tell you how happy students are with them. Just remember the accommodation rating is for the dorms in general and not just a single room. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of having enough beds.

Keep students happy

Students are an insufferable nuisance, but you need to keep them happy. Unhappy students will skip out on paying their dues, and word will spread that your institution is a hole. It’s in your best interest to keep the little dullards happy, and that means addressing their various stat needs.

It’s all reasonable. Students need a place to eat, sleep, pee, and keep themselves entertained. For extra happiness, make sure their immediate area doesn’t look like a sty. Sometimes this isn’t good enough, and they’ll threaten to drop out because they’re too proud to just pee where they stand. There’s a saying about taking a horse to water.

Use the attractiveness visualization

You’re going to bump up against the goal of having a certain percentage of campus attractiveness. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but Two Point Campus isn’t going to just accept “sterile is an aesthetic” as meeting this criterion. You’re going to need to slap some posters down, but what you may not realize is that it’s not the number of posters but the coverage of posters that counts.

That’s where the attractiveness view comes into play. Choosing this from your list of informative visualizations will show you what parts of your campus are pretty and what parts are pretty plain. From there, it’s a matter of turning everything green. This can be done with posters, statues, furniture, and plants. Just spread them out across your property and watch that percentage rise.

Remember to check the temperature

Temperature isn’t something you can just naturally see, so it’s easy to forget that some areas may be too hot and others too cold. You’ll be notified the first time you hit campuses that they have temperature requirements, but on later ones, you might not notice there’s a problem until students start dropping out because their fingers froze off.

When you start at a new campus, a simple way to tell if there’s a heating or cooling requirement is to simply switch to the temperature view. If everything shows up blue, you’ll need to plop down some heaters. If it’s red, you’ll need air conditioning. Note that you can only provide outdoor heaters and not outdoor coolers. Students will just have to remember to stay hydrated in hot areas.

Keep your specialists doing what they do best

There’s nothing more annoying than hiring an assistant with high marks in medicine and nothing else, only to see them commandeering the ramen stall. Two Point Campus doesn’t make a big deal of it, but there’s a menu where you can assign specific tasks to your staff. Open up that staff member’s menu, click the little checklist, and pick the jobs you would prefer they not do. This will make sure that your star researcher doesn’t do something stupid, like try and teach a class.

For more on this complex management sim, check out our Two Point Campus review.

About Zoey Handley

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