Ubisoft "Evaluating" Rainbow Six Quarantine Name In Light Of Coronavirus

Rainbow Six Quarantine may get a name change in light of the coronavirus pandemic. It got a splashy introduction at Ubisoft’s E3 2019 press conference, but after the last year of actual quarantine it hits pretty differently, which is prompting Ubisoft to reevaluate.

The subject came up during an investor Q&A session following the release of Ubisoft’s most recent earnings statement. One question raised whether the company is still planning to release a game with such a provocative title during or after the pandemic. CEO Yves Guillemot answered that the company is evaluating, but has nothing new to announce yet.

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Now Playing: Rainbow Six Quarantine: First Gameplay Details | E3 2019

This signals that the studio is at least considering a name change, a move that has seemed likely since the global pandemic forced the world into lockdown roughly a year ago. Since then the coronavirus pandemic has claimed more than 2 million lives worldwide and devastated many major economies as the public has had to quarantine to avoid exposure.

Rainbow Six Quarantine was also delayed last fall, now aiming for release by March 2020. That may be due to the sensitivity of the subject matter, or the difficulties of developing new games when many studios moved to a work-from-home model.

The actual subject matter of R6 Quarantine is similar to Ubisoft’s hit Rainbow Six Siege, but with a PVE approach that pits your squad against a legion of inhuman creatures.

About Steve Watts

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