Ubisoft has announced a year-8 roadmap for its first-person shooter Rainbow Six Siege. Players can expect four new operators/battle passes, a new map, events, and more for the upcoming year.
Changes will be made to the Brava, the Brazilian attacker operator, and an “immersive reload rework.” In addition to her changes, season 1 will have a new anti-mouse and keyboard solution on the console to prevent cheaters from taking advantage of controller players. For season 2, players will be introduced to a new Swedish Operator, an updated version of Consulate, and a new permanent arcade playlist. In addition to that, the Shooting Range will also receive an update by adding new target modes to help players practice.
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For Season 3, players will travel to South Korea, and it will also introduce an updated version of Quick Match. The last operator of the year will be from Portugal, and alongside them will be a new map and a new onboarding feature called the Defender AI playlist. In this mode, players can practice new strategies on their favorite maps.
Ubisoft will also be introducing a new system called The Player Commendation System. This will allow other players to rate their teammates based on how they all played with one another. There’ll also be a new Reputation Penalty for those who use abuse voice chat. Players can also expect changes to be made to Ranked to help reduce unqualified players and smurf accounts.
Players will be able to purchase a limited-time Year-8 Pass if they purchase it from February 20 to March 20. The pass will include all four battle passes, 14 early-day access to the new operators, a 10% discount at the ship, a full operator bundle for Ace, 2,400 R5 Credits, and more. There’ll also be a $60 version of the battle pass that’ll include all of the items previously mentioned and 20 extra battle tokens that can be used to help players level up faster.
Quick Match downtime will be drastically reduced to help players load into a match faster. In addition, players can expect a few other changes to the Play section UI. They’ll now see Competitive, Quick Play, and Training, each of which will contain a variety of modes for players.
Throughout year-8, changes will be made accordingly to operators to help ensure that the game is properly balanced.
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